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CrossConcept 0.4.5

CrossConcept is designed to support your intellectual and emotional activities. Using CrossConcept, you can externalize your concept operations that you may perform in your brains.

CrossConcept overview

In the model of CrossConcept, a concept is simply represented as a list of items. And in this model, operations of using concepts, developing concepts and communicating those concepts are represented as operations of lists and tables.

CrossConcept's functions are simple as follows:

  • create lists
  • select one, two or three list(s) and arrange them as axes of a table
  • input contents into the cells of the table
  • revise the lists
  • get and put lists in XHTML formats from and to web pages through the clipboard.

And with these functions, you can:

  • describe a concept as a set of some elements, e.g. a list consists of some items.
  • confront the concept with other concepts which are also described as lists, i.e. as axes of a table.
  • consider the relatioinship between the two concepts from these concepts
  • revise the concepts by considering the relationship with other concepts
  • get concepts from the Web and put new or revised concepts to the Web

This is the first release of the multi-language version of CrossConcept.

  • Title:CrossConcept 0.4.5
  • Start Date and Time:2007-10-31 23:00
  • Description:The first release of the multi-language version of CrossConcept.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 12, 2007 12:29 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Syndy updated to ver.

The next post in this blog is CrossConcept 0.4.7.

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